Climbing for SA CFS Compton

9/11 Memorial
The Melbourne Firefighter Stair Climb remembers the 343 Firefighters that lost their lives in the line of duty on 11th September 2001.
My stair climb race bib will include the name and photo of FDNY Firefighter Ruben family Correa in memory of their sacrifice made on that fateful day. Search and read more about Ruben family Correa.
So far, I've raised $7,864 of my $4,500 fundraising goal.
Race result
Donned and started
Start Line Footage!
Crossing the Finish Line
Note: Some of the footage above may not include footage of you due to stream cuts or content changes for operational reasons
Recent donations from Scott’s friends
$30Ava Simpson
$150Renee Ackerley
$25Andrew simpson
Cheers mate
$25Belinda Hooper
Thanks Belinda
Thanks Love
Thanks Mate
$32Zoe Simpson
Thanks Zoe
$100Gambier vets
Thanks Heaps guys, appreciate your support
$200Koch Bros
Thanks Guys, appreciate your support
$25Tim Williams
Thanks mate
$900Renee and Batteries
Appreciate it mate
$6gary stevens
You go above and beyond, thanks Gaz
$1720Raffle tickets
$50Lake City Transport
Thanks Team Gaffs, appreciate your support
$30Hentie & Cornelia Bosch
Thank you both very much for supporting our raffle and my climb
$100Bunnings BBQ
$20Mount Gambier Central Raffle and Donations
Thank you Timberlink for your very generous donation
Thanks Stretch. Appreciate your support again mate
Thanks Mate, greatly appreciated
Great stuff mate
$500Gary Morton
Thanks mate
$390Robert Redding
Thanks Rob, appreciate your support
$3Scott Simpson
Thanks Nugget, thanks for supporting my Auction
$500Ava Simpson
Thanks Again Bob and Jill Hink for your donation
$70Tammy Simpson
Thanks Tam
$50bobby curnow black
Cheers Bobby Curnow, appreciate your support
$250Prestige Truck Sales
Thanks Smithy, your a rock star. Appreciate your support
$50Allen Robert Larkin
Thanks mate
$200Jason Roberts
Thanks Jase
$50The Mitchell's
Thanks guys
$50Darren Klaassens
Thanks Dazza
$25Zoe Simpson
Thanks Zoe
$25James peats
Thanks James
$20Brianna Simpson
Thanks bree
$25Benjamin gordon
Thanks benny
Previous year’s results
Donned and started